Adaptation of Stories and Stories of Adaptation: Media, Modes and Codes
5 Dicembre 2018 - 6 Dicembre 2018
December 5-6 2018
Adaptation of Stories and Stories of Adaptation:
Media, Modes and Codes
Online registration open at the following link: https://webapps.unitn.it/form/it/Web/Home/convegni
We kindly ask you to pay the conference fee of 70 euros by 15 November 2018 (12:00)
Critical attention to adaptations has traditionally privileged film transcodifications of literary works.
However, the latter have been generally dismissed through the filter of a “morally loaded rhetoric
of fidelity and infidelity” (Hutcheon [2006] 2013, 31). Limited in extent and epistemic potential,
this approach needs to be overcome through the adoption of a more inclusive, open and fluid view,
concerned with the circular process of story(re)telling inherent in adaptation(s), and encompassing
endless interpretation, appropriation and creation.
In this vein, the Italian Association of Canadian Studies is pleased to announce its interdisciplinary conference
on Adaptation of Stories and Stories of Adaptation: Media, Modes and Codes.
Scholars in Canadian studies from a range of disciplines, such as, literature, linguistics, history,
geography, architecture, will be invited to critically share and discuss the fluid, complex adaptation
of stories, across media, modes and codes, as well as across genres, cultures and ages.
Against this backdrop, Canada might differently express the context of origin, interpretation and circulation of stories.
Participants may address several genres (radio, TV, film adaptations, stage plays, opera, ballets, videogames,
art and architectural monuments, nature-park rides, among others), as carrying intertextual relations with other texts,
and as differently engaging audiences.
They may also explore multifold and multifaceted stories of adaptation, in their historical, socio-cultural, economic and legal dynamics.
We invite original contributions in this field of inquiry, in the form of theoretical speculations,
methodological discussions, case-study illustrations within several areas of interest, including but
not limited to:
• adaptation as story(re)telling
• forms of engagement and adaptation
• TV, film and theatre adaptations
• new media adaptations
• experiences of/as adaptation
• adaptation and (intra/inter-linguistic) translation
• stories of adaptation in Canada: legal issues
• diachronic perspectives over adaptation
• Canadian identity, culture, and society and adaptation(s)
• Canadian geography and history and adaptation(s)
Keynote speeker: Prof. Emerita Linda Hutcheon (University of Toronto).
Participants should be AISC members. Conference fee: 70 €.
A selection of papers will be peer-reviewed for publication.
Scientific Committee:
Sabrina Francesconi (University of Trento)
Gerardo Acerenza (University of Trento)
Oriana Palusci (University of Naples, L’Orientale)
Luigi Bruti Liberati (University of Milano)
Angela Buono (University of Naples, L’Orientale)
Alessandra Ferraro (University of Udine)
Elena Lamberti (University of Bologna)
Anna Mongibello (University of Naples, L’Orientale)
Biancamaria Rizzardi (University of Pisa)
Venue: Palazzo Prodi, Department of Humanities, University of Trento, via Tommaso Gar, 14 – Trento
Conference languages: English, French and Italian
Further information will be posted on the website:
Online registration open at the following link: https://webapps.unitn.it/form/it/Web/Home/convegni
We kindly ask you to pay the conference fee of 70 euros by 15 November 2018 (12:00)