[Call for papers] – ECHO – Rivista Interdisciplinare di Comunicazione. Linguaggi, culture, società

2025-02-26T20:04:34+01:00Tag: , |

Call for papers Deadlines: Abstract (500 words): 28th February 2025                        Guidelines submission Notification of acceptance: 14th April 2025 Article submission: 25th June 2025                                 Guidelines submission Publication: 30th November 2025 Length of articles: max 7000 words To submit an [...]

In ricordo di Liana Nissim


Con la recente scomparsa di Liana Nissim, già professoressa ordinaria di Letteratura francese all’Università di Udine e poi alla Statale di Milano, gli studi canadesi perdono una voce importante. Ricordiamo a livello istituzionale il ruolo pionieristico di Liana Nissim nella promozione dell’insegnamento delle letterature francofone in un’Accademia che negli anni Ottanta non era ancora pronta [...]

[Conference] Canadian cultures: beyond the past, into the future

2023-09-19T08:49:13+02:00Tag: , |

ITALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANADIAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF MILAN DIPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, CULTURES AND MEDIATION Milano, 29 November – 1 December 2023 https://aisc2023.unimi.it Les cultures du Canada : au-delà du passé, vers le futur Canadian cultures: beyond the past, into the future Le culture del Canada: oltre il passato, verso il futuro   Canada is [...]

[Conference] The Traces We Leave: Italian-Canadians and Their Works

2022-09-19T11:54:51+02:00Tag: , , , |

18th Biennial Conference of the Association of Italian-Canadian Writers (AICW) The Traces We Leave: Italian-Canadians and Their Works Università degli Studi di Torino (Via S. Ottavio 18) Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne Sezione di Anglistica e Americanistica Wednesday 28th September – Saturday 1st October 2022 DAY 1: WEDNESDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER Auditorium [...]

[Call for Paper] Queer(ing) Contemporary Italian Cultures Symposium

2022-03-01T09:46:48+01:00Tag: , |

QUEER(ING)CONTEMPORARYITALIANCULTURES HOME AND BEYOND Virtual Symposium University of Toronto April 1-2, 2022 Objectives A gathering of thinkers, artists, activists, and scholarsto discuss the complexities at the juncture of queerand Italian identities – in the homeland and indiasporic communities. Preference given to proposalsrelated to Italian LGBTQ+ geographies, movement,and mobilities. Possible Topic Rural and urban LGBTQ+ communities [...]

Tre giorni di Canada 18-20 Ottobre 2021

2021-10-31T18:54:51+01:00Tag: , , |

Sezione di Anglistica e Americanistica DIPARTIMENTO DI LINGUE E LETTERATURE STRANIERE E CULTURE MODERNE COMPLESSO ALDO MORO – PALAZZINA A UNIVERSITÀ DI TORINO 18 Ottobre 2021 Salone OFF – Torino – ore 12-14 – Sala Lauree e Webex https://unito.webex.com/meet/carmen.concilio Arianna Dagnino presenta Il Quintetto d’Istanbul (Ensemble 2021) Conversazione sul tema della transculturalità con Carmen Concilio [...]

[Call for Articles] – Italianità among the Italian Diasporic Community in Canada and the United States in the Twentieth Century

2022-03-01T09:47:05+01:00Tag: , |

Call for Articles Italianità among the Italian Diasporic Community in Canada and the United States in the Twentieth Century   Articles are invited for possible inclusion in a special issue of Italian Canadiana that will focus on the theme of Italianità among the Italian diasporic community in Canada and the United States during the twentieth century. Topics of interest for [...]

[Pre-Conference] The Traces We Leave: Italian-Canadians and Their Works


Presentazione della Conferenza The Traces We Leave: Italian-Canadians and Their Works   8 Ottobre, 2020, ore 13 p.m. EST, ore 19.00 in Italia L’ Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Montreal, Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW), University of Torino, Dep. Foreign Languages, AISCLI Webinar Series 2020 sono lieti di annunciare The Traces We Leave: Italian-Canadians [...]

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